Liverpool’s Abercromby Square and the Confederacy During the U.S. Civil War

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About the Authors

Chris Williams is the Research Impact Officer in the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences at the University of Liverpool. He recently co-edited Life and Limb: Perspectives on the American Civil War with the Liverpool University Press, and is currently researching the history of Abercromby Square in Liverpool.

Jim Powell is studying for a postgraduate degree at the University of Liverpool on the effect of the American Civil War on the British cotton trade. He has retired after a career in business and politics, and is also now a successful novelist.

Joseph G. Kelly is a PhD student at the University of Liverpool. His research focuses on the links between British business and slavery, and how these connections were rationalized in the context of widespread anti-slavery beliefs during the Victorian era. He is the recipient of an Economic and Social Research Council studentship for a project entitled "Supply Chains and Moral Responsibility: Slavery and Capitalism after British Emancipation." This project includes a collaboratiion with the International Slavery Museum in Liverpool.

Editorial Contributors

James Walvin, University of York
Susan-Mary Grant, Newcastle University
Emily West, University of Reading  


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