Prayer Circles near the Mother Emanuel Church on the Night of the Shooting, June 17, 2015

Local people gathered in a prayer circle near the Emanuel AME Church immediately following the shooting, June 17, 2015, Charleston, South Carolina, courtesy of ABC New4 WCIV-TV.
Community Prayer Vigil at Morris Brown AME Church, June 18, 2015

Attendees singing at the Morris Brown AME Church Community Prayer Vigil the day after the shooting, photograph by Mike Ledford, June 18, 2015, Charleston, South Carolina.
City of Charleston Community Prayer and Healing Vigil at the College of Charleston TD Arena, June 19, 2015
Prayer Gatherings at Emanuel AME Church, June 19 and 20, 2015

A preacher outside of Emanuel AME Church, photograph by Delane Chavez, June 20, 2015, Charleston, South Carolina.
Black Lives Matter March in Downtown Charleston, June 20, 2015

Black Lives Matter marchers on their way to the Daughters of the Confederacy building on Meeting Street, photograph by Hunter Boone, June 20, 2015, Charleston, South Carolina.
Sunday Services throughout Charleston, June 21, 2015

A crowd with police security at Emanuel AME Church for the first Sunday service since the shooting, photograph by Harry Egner, June 21, 2015, Charleston, South Carolina.
Bridge to Peace Unity Chain on Ravenel Bridge, June 21, 2015
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Marchers join hands as they walk across the Arthur Ravenel Jr. Bridge during the Bridge to Peace Unity Chain walk, Charleston, South Carolina, June 21, 2015, courtesy of Cem Ozdel / Anadolu Agency / Getty Images.
Reverend Clementa Pinckney's Funeral Service at the College of Charleston TD Arena, June 26, 2015

President Barack Obama giving the eulogy at Reverend Clementa Pinckney's funeral service, June 26, 2015, Charleston, South Carolina, courtesy of the College of Charleston.
Imani Milele Children's Choir Performance, July 2, 2015
Imani Milele Children's Choir performance outside of the Emanuel AME Church, July 2, 2015, Charleston, South Carolina, courtesy of Imani Milele Children's Choir. After the shooting, various individuals and groups gave impromptu performances outside of the church.
Charleston's Days of Grace March and Rally, September 5, 2015

Charleston's Days of Grace March and Rally, photograph by Pastor Thomas Dixon, September 5, 2015, Charleston, South Carolina.
Mother Emanuel Way Memorial District Established, September 23, 2015

Mother Emanuel Way Memorial District, photograph by Mary Battle, January 2016, Charleston, South Carolina. On September 23, 2015, the City of Charleston hosted a ceremony to designate the area of Calhoun Street between Meeting and Concord Streets in front of the Emanuel AME Church as the "Mother Emanuel Way Memorial District."