Somebody Had To Do It: First Children in School Desegregation

Exhibit Splash Image

Interactive Map

This interactive map shows the locations of schools desegregated by "first children" who were interviewed by the Somebody Had To Do It team. The points in red feature video clips and links to fully transcribed video interviews in the Lowcountry Digital Library. The points in black indicate where the team has interviewed a first child connected that location, but his or her interview is not yet available online. The Somebody Had To Do It collection is housed at the Avery Research Center for African American History and Culture, where staff are working to transcribe and digitize all of the Somebody Had To Do It interviews. In the future, this map will be updated to reflect when full interview materials are made available in the Lowcountry Digital Library. 

Map Color Key:

Red Points: Interviews available on the Lowcountry Digital Library
Black Points
: Interviews to be transcribed, not yet available online

Click here for Interactive Map of Oral Histories